Heavy Duty Coil Springs
Heavy-duty coil springs are a great snow plow support option on plow trucks with worn out coils that are used primarily to plow. New heavy-duty coils will bring the ride height up and, on some applications, may even provide lift over stock height to act as a leveling kit. Dayton Super Duty coil springs will provide 1000LBS of additional capacity and a maximum of ½” lift over stock. SuperSprings SuperCoils can have as much as 2 to 2.5 times the capacity of stock coils and on some applications, they will lift up to 2.5” over stock. Installation is a bit more involved and may be more than a driveway project in some cases, but the results are worth it. These work best on full time plow/ work trucks and going overboard on the weight can make the ride stiff. If choosing a lifted coil, it may be necessary to move to a lifted shock to prevent over extension.
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